Make Way For Our New Maverick Chapter Readers!

That’s right! We have 3 new colour bands to aid your little ones on their journey to independent reading!

Our brand new range of Chapter Readers are designed to follow straight on from level 10, or the White band of Early Readers. With increased pagination and a more complex language style, these longer texts build children’s reading stamina and help them to prepare for junior fiction titles.

They may be more challenging to read, with the introduction of more figurative language, similes and metaphors as well as more complex sentence structures, but this is all to boost confidence so that the next step up is less daunting!

  ”The main aim is to gently stretch children’s reading experience and stamina in the context of a fun read.” – Catherine Baker


We are very excited to publish 6 new Chapter Readers this November, and introduce 3 new colour bands – Lime, Brown and Grey, to our scheme which will be running alongside a new batch of Early Readers. All of our readers in the Maverick Reading Scheme are available to purchase here!